There  is  no Rest  for my Quest  to Write what  is Wrong  of where many have Gone


Enlight of my Website.   You can be sure that I Practice what I Preach then


Teach what I Practice within things that are True from Me to You



My Brain belongs to my Mind,

My Mind belongs to my Conscience,

My Conscience belongs to my Faith,

My Faith belongs to my Heart,

My Heart belongs to my Soul,

My Soul belongs to God and

My Mission belongs to You as 

God Needs and Intended Me To



Don L. Johnson 

My  Life  Bestowed

Growing  up  is  Hard  to  do

 God Made Me into Something Special

My Idol -  Albert Einstein - said that,

"No one can Read the Gospel without Feeling the Actual Presence of Jesus,

because His Personality Pulsates in Every Word

---- No   Myth   has   been  Filed ----

Against such Life"

  Don L. Johnson


And No Myth can be Filed against my Belief in Jesus either - Just as,


 I Wish for You Jesus













Ciao, my name is - Don L. Johnson - where I will tell you no Lie - about Me, Myself  and that's not your Average Guy that does things by the book Including my WritingsTherefore will be quite Different than your average Website Your use to - as you can Already Surmise - thus far


I've been Tempted to Tell you that - I am on a Mission to Fight for what is Right over Wrong - where at times we have Gone and for Good over Bad - where at Times we been HadBy the Same Fruit of the Tree that got Adam and Eve In Deep Trouble with GodAnd we've been paying the Ultimate price of a Death Sentence for it every senseAdam  and Eve had it made in the Garden of EdenAnd all they Where told to do by God - was to Stay Away from the Tree of Knowledge between Good and EvilAnd they couldn't even do that after all that they were givenTheir Disobedience is when  "We, the Human Species " first Inherited the Guilt of our first Sin of which this Website will be aboutas to Remind us how Devious that Tree is to the Soul of Humanities sake - to where Gilt no longer has meaning Even as Blatant as Sin gets in Todays Society... 


Again, Consciously, With Intent, my website will be no where near your Typical Website Related to Reading, Writing and or occasional Arithmetic - as it will be Humorously Funny at times, but, always Meticulously Done Second to None - with Uniquely Designed Eye-Capturing, Irregular Word Phrases and Punctuation's, Sculpturing, Idioms, Rhymes, Riddles, Parables, Poetry, Analogies, Metaphors, Hyperbole'sCliches, Colors, Links, Show and Tell Music, Photo/Pictures - And last but not least, by DesignI've Effectively set up a Rhyme for every Reason Linked and Associated with the Crime  of Every Treason - as to get the Point of my Message as Thoughtfully Correlated as to be Remembered as - True-True-True - To You... 


That said, just as I'm writing this - For the Those who don't Understand me - [I would rather give up my Life - then my Personal Relationship with "God " Who has taken Good care of me throughout my Life... My Heart and Soul came into this world - as an Outsider of the Love of a Personal family Relationship - that I Enviously have never known and experienced in my Life - and believe me, the way I experienced it - you never forget it ... NeverthelessFor the better, perhaps I can reach someone else's Heart with my story - to make a difference in their life- from mine... This, again, I just don't know?  But, even though - I'm not  "Hypothetically Cultured enough to make a Famous Pulitzer Prize Winner of a Journalist Writer - as such" ... I do know that I've had help From (Up-Stairs)Besides, Why should  "He" call the (Equipped) - when  "He" can - (Equip) the (Called- in the way  "He" would like them to be - GenuinelyAfter all"Hehas let me know that "He" Doesn't want a Professional Writer "He" wants a Intentional Fighter - as anyone will Find when Reading Mine... 


According to "Albert Einstein" with Wisdom in MindEducation is only Relative to the Imagination and in that respectI don't mean to sound Vainglorious, but, Anybody who has ever Known Me Personally - Will Tell You that I Am Highly Imaginatively Creative and those who Haven't - were as a rulein my Rear-view Mirror out of Gear... Imagination! WellMy Website "Alone" should be enough of Evidence to that! That said, just used what  "God " Gave me as to Save me From my Failure of Receiving my - Savior, "Jesus Christ "into my Life...



Don L. Johnson

[Within  the  Wisdom  of  My  Mind,

In order to - Truly Think Straight and  "Quote-unquote"  Smart,

The Perception of an Obedient Mind - should be in Compliance- with a Lenient Heart]



Consider this, let's see what the facts are according to the #1 Search engine of (Google's). I just did a search with it for the words of (Integrity Thinking) at 1:01 AM on Sep 6, 2017 with the results at the very top of the first Page of 73,500,000 (0.39 Seconds)... Update; at 11:31 PM  on Jan 14, 2019 164,000,000) (0.54 Seconds)... 


To be honest, it fluctuates from day-to-day, but, still, this is a pretty good size fluctuation that I thought would be worth Noting - Don't you think?... Especially, when I can help Influence just  "One Person" to do the right thing For themselves...


Obviously, everyone wants to be on the first page - and the way you get there is   The amount of Content information of the search, The Number of Hits and the Geographic area of which is World Wide - that keep you there - Check it out and do your own search... 


So, all things considered, I must be doing something right or I couldn't be at or on the Top of the Hill - with the rest in my Rearview Mirror - Out of Gear, could I? To my estimation, I'm Teaching the "Quote Unquote"Highly Educated Professors, Raconteur's and or Lecturers behind me and I might add, without having to (Deal with The Embarrassment of Lecturing in a auditorium of an excess amount of 300,000,000 's students ... Come-on, are you kidding me →  ...


[Aot to bad for a Self-Conscious-Complex-ed-Outsider of a No Alternative  Ninth Grade Drop Out] Is it? ... Which means that there is more than one Way to End Your Day E-statically-Successfully and that is to let your Heart Guide your Brain onto the Same Lane - as I did ... As a thought, keep in mind that -  ↓


"A Brain Famished of Blood ------ is a Heart Diminished of Brain -

and a Heart Diminished of a Brain - is a Brain Mentally Lame"

Don L. Johnson



Also, my Website - is non-for-profit - as I am not one of those Greedy Egotistical Pants on Fire - DeceitfulStaged-up-Showy-Liars of Charlatan's   Fittingly, "Oh! What a Tangled web we Weave, when first we practice to Deceive" - the Lord ↔ (Walter Scott) that Beg For Your Money as to make them Filthy Rich and Famous in the Minds of the Ignorant ... And as you can see, there is no contact information whatsoever, because there's no need for it - as my Website is for people to Think for themselves... Believing Begets Receiving and Receiving Begets Achieving - It's a NO Brain er, but a Timely Gainer ... I believe in God not - Divisive's of  Religions...


To conclude, it is important for you to Keep in Mind - at all Times - that it is - We, the Human Species that are the only Species - from Birth - here on Earth - that have been Blessed - with a Soul and "by choice " is capable of letting the Devil Control for the Soul (sole) purpose of doing his Evil Deeds against God’s Needs to do Good - Again, as a Major Factor of a Wake-up call - in regards to and - Throughout my Website...



Words of Wisdom ... I'm Just Saying,

Don't ever let yourself - become a Victim - of the Devils act of Deceitbecause -

In the End, it won't get you To and Through  "Heaven's Gate "

becauseyou'll have been too Late




Keep in mind that,

the things of Earth are only

Temporary …... while the things of

Heaven are of the Contrary .... in other words,

Earth  has Less-Time .. whereas Heaven is Time-less.












If  you  can  comprehend  what

you have read so far unto this point 

 Then  you  should  be  able  to  Understand 

  the rest of my Website So read on and Enjoy









"Wisdom of the aged"

Many of us wrestle with finding our purpose in life.

Gerontogist and author Carl Pillemer says there is a simple way to ease your anxiety:

ask an older person.



"It all Begins and Ends 

      from within the Heart  "





There  are  Choices  to

 be made throughout the Ups and

Downs of our Lives and the Biggest one

 can be found with Insight Right Here

On My Website and with an

Open  Mind  Anyone

can Find and




Lastlythe Information that you’ll read Right here on my Website”  


Is more Valuable than what any amount of Money can Buy


Integrity Can’t Be Bought  It Can Only Be Respectfully Earned








Contrary to what one believes . No matter

 how  Smart, Educated  and  Important  a  Person

Thinks of Themselves . It is Wisdom and Imagination 

that Supersedes  . Their Proud Image of themselves for without

Wisdom you have an Unsuitable MindWith a Broken Heart of Kind.











Designed, Written and Composed by,

Don L. Johnson