Unless I have ordained to be insane who’s
to equate as of late that there would be No-One in
their right mind that would choose to abode to Self-implode
unless that one person is Suicidal, Kamikaze, Insane, Masochist
and or of the same caliber of weapon as the, Devil controls their tainted
souls of the Seedy Greedy assholes, including The Representatives of
Congress in the “Pockets” of all the CEO’s! Keep this in mind
that if it “Rhymes” it matches their Crimes!
Written by, Don L. Johnson
Personally, I believe in reincarnation and that Hell is right here where we
Reside until God decides otherwise as according to our demise.
With the pain and suffering of what some would say is hell on Earth, the
following will be inflictions, reflections and revelations of it
… Examples, the holocaust and genocide alike Etc.?
What about the damnation of starvation, persecution, misery and torture Etc.?
What is the answer for cancer and who receives heart disease?
What about disabilities from accidents resulting in
paralysis and or Brain damage Etc.?
What about the people, who are born with disorders of afflictions such as,
Cerebral palsy, Spinal bifida and Down's syndrome Etc.?
What about Alzheimer's disease, Arthritis, Tuberculosis, HIV,
Liver disease, Muscular-cirrhosis and Emphysema Etc.?
What about the enduring loss … of Sight and Hearing Etc.?
What about the paralysis of Stephen Hawking
with his mobility and talking Etc.?
And worst of all, what about the Congress-shams in-light of Tea parties
alike that's compassionately not fare nor just doesn't care
for anything other than themselves?
What about those CEO’s who control their dumb-tainted-souls? which make them
lethally dangerous to through society?… etc. etc. … on and on …
These where just a few to mention for your attention in lieu of this view of what hell can be like … to have to fight from birth here on Earth and often no amount of wealth can buy their health …Thus … unlike (Coldplay) can’t … “fix you”
So, if that’s not living in Hell … Well, I can’t image what is … wouldn’t you say? Pain is what you feel while you are alive in the flesh … in trying to survive when suffering through it.
And - oh - yah - from temptation after birth … some would say that this is heaven on earth … that is … until and when they lose it! … One thing is for sure after its lure is that NO amount of money will count except for its accountability to God’s judgment day! And you can put your money on that … because it’s a bet that you can’t lose!
Remember, that what goes around comes back around to the evil doer’s sewer!
To sum it up, we’re living our lives on borrowed time in accordance to the choices we make in the before and or the afterlife, because it is the only logical explanation for everything that we experience through the “Good, Bad, and Evil” throughout our lives as we knew, experienced and or felt it … on a day by day … trial, test or challenge equated as an option, alternative and selection … as we faced, encountered and combated it …
All I know is that, there is only one way and one way only
That we don’t come back …… to be exact … and you’re
HEART has to feel it …………… in order believe it!
Again, it’s in - John 3: 3 - is where it will be!
It is Lessons Discerned from Lessons Learned into Lessons Earned as in when each person overcomes all the possibilities for evil in creation and becomes the embodiment of this love Paul talked about he or she will be perfect and will incarnate no more in the physical astral or causal as the spirit revealed to John in (Revelations) Him that over cometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out, Link → (Rev 3:12 AV) Evidence for Reincarnation in the Bible and Link → Reincarnation and the Bible
There is no greater evidence for the existence of life after death than the resrrection of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament predicted a Messiah who would over come sin and death for his people, Link → Isaiah 53; - Daniel 9:26 ... The testimony of Jesus' followers is that he did just that. He voluntarily died at the hands of his executioners, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later left that tomb empty. Witnesses said that they had seen not only and emty tomb but a resurrected Christ who appeared to hundreds of people over a period of 40 days before ascending to heaven, Link → Acts 1: 1-11 and 1 Corinthians 15: 1-8.
Soles are the innermost principles of the living and they become the spiritual soles of the dead and will be judged by God on Judgment Day according to our innermost transitions. Let’s just say for the sake of seeing God in our own image as we are of His. Well, in that respect, the “In the Beginning” photos are a good depiction of you and me of what we see … born from enough of … God’s … star stuff … into the energy of … you and me … of all we see …
Ref: Click here We are Stardust
and here “Why we’re all made out of stardust”
Belief in God: is belief in the existence of God’s irrational? However,
in the past and even today, many scientists believe that God
exists and is responsible for what we see in nature.
This is a small sampling of scientists who contributed to the development of modern science while believing in God … all though many people believe in a God of the gaps.
The following scientists and still others alive today,
Believe because of the evidence.
“So, shift in gear and Click right here ... “Famous scientists who believed in” God”
Can you imagine in being able to voyage the universe? Well,
I’ve been able to do it in a dream … but I hope that
“God” will deem me worthy in my Life’s
finality into the reality of where
My dream will come true.
Seeing is Believing as Believing is to Receiving the insight of God's Marvel of Wonder. So, if your mind Wonders like mine ... I highly recommend taking the Astronomy Classes that I took of Celestial Wonders Revealed of Astronomy/Medeoites with Professor/Astronomer - "Walter Trentadue" as would be taught to you, at ... Rockvalley College of Rockford, IL ... Click,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"The duration is the fascination ... with the sharing of the peoples love ... for the stars above"
Beyond my substandard feeble mind of intellectual thinking, These are incredible
credible references to go by while referencing the rest of my website, thus food
for thought and not for naught, but for a taste to chew from here
on dog on and so the truth hangs on to carry on as long as there is a
need to read for a seed to breed from the right over the wrongs to
where it belongs, not in outer space, but in its place, yet still,
no matter what-so-ever to this subject matter that I
endeavor wherever to remind you "again" as of late
to set you staight that indeed of what you read
of me personally so too it is true that it can
be hazardous not to your health, but
...... to your wealth if you are ......
of indeed of greed as the truth hurts
where it flirts the most. It’s because I calls
them as I sees them! So, don’t say that I didn’t
warn you. My website isn’t meant for adoration. In fact
I would be surprised of one’s concern to go beyond this point
of no return. Look, I know that there will be many that will
forsake and maybe even hate me, but I will continue to
write for what I feel and believe to be what is right
over wrong for the needier against the greedier
"A forced faithfulness is a bitter Fruit
for all concerned "Albert Einstein
“Unlike the Pericope of Cain and Abel” …… From here on will be the
Periscope of Pain if you’re Able” to take it … Don L. Johnson
You may say that I’m doing OK so why do you care to share your stuff, Well, it’s because if I do quite caring then I would quit sharing and I would be a part of the problem of not caring enough!
Analogy, as of late there are so many good and decent people that can’t escape from getting hurt by covert--dirty--dirt and while their minds may be ignorantly sleeping … I will have begun to sweeping that covert-dirty-dirt into a breathing dust as a must to awake for their own sake as to clearly clear their stay from harm’s way of them-thar-damn-shams … Don L. Johnson …
“I think we have to safeguard ourselves against people who are a menace to others,
quite apart from what may have motivated their deeds”
… Albert Einstein …
“The sincerity of my closing commentary”
Well, I’ll be dog-gone if you hadn’t gone-on to reach this point of your destination. I realize that your trip may have been long and arduous, amusing and or confusing at times, but you must have understood what was under my hood of transportation or you wouldn’t have survived this ride all the way to the sincerity of my closing Commentary.
OK, in simple language of a metaphoric analogy of congress, so too are the rhymes on their signs that are riddled with holes in ANYTHING they say or do … thus making it impassable to read their directions to where we’re at … let alone headed for a cliff.
So too are the views that spews out of fox news better known as for the devils channel of “fox & pox of obnoxious mur-cocky-doc demonic lying jocks.” … to the flush of the Rush Lymph-nose and the mush of associates … in giving the wrong directions of keeping you stupid 24/7 … One perfect example from their #1 jock “O'lie-ly” or better known as “Mr. O’ lie-ly” quotes to one of his mindless minions, he asked the “Lamebrain dumb doodle” if he knew why Jesus died on the cross … and as the obedient minion listens, “Mr. O’ lie-ly” spews out of his mouth that Jesus died on the cross because of taxes” sad, but TRUE!
March 21, 2013 … I heard it with my own ears from the demonic channel. For those of you who really don’t know why Jesus died on the cross ... than I've got six crucial words for you to view into the knobble of your bubble and that is that“You are in deep double trouble” when the knobble of your bubble stops then pops!
So too are the weak that accepts the deceit of discretion into the wrong direction ... So too is an ill thought to be distraught of good judgment making a world that would be without harmony … thus, so be it as we live to see to survive it.
It’s amazing to me as in cold blooded vampires, that the rich get richer while the poor get anemically poorer … The thing is … is that the vampires feel that they’re getting the short end of the supply, because of it. But, lycan to a bloody breed … they’re appetite stays insatiable for feed
It’s amazing to me that the CEO’s of Corporate America can outsource all the manufacturing outside of America to other countries “mainly China” with getting all the tax breaks at the expense, hence American’s working middle class of people once known for those jobs, but just as their communion is to break the union so too is Congress bought and paid for behind a closed door.
It’s amazing to me that the United States has legal regulations on the pollution control of Corporate America’s manufacturing, (AMPOL) and in general, there are two types of air quality standards. The first class of standards (such as the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards and E.U. Air Quality Directive) set maximum atmospheric concentrations for specific pollutants. Environmental agencies enact regulations which are intended to result in attainment of these target levels. The second class (such as the North American Air Quality Index) take the form of a scale with various thresholds, which is used to communicate to the public the relative risk of outdoor activity. The scale may or may not distinguish between different pollutants ... yet by saving the expense of the adherence of Corporate America’s complete disregard due to profit by outsourcing to none regulated countries of less concern for Global Warming such as China and the lycan … we lost the plight of our fight-en for who's in control that we know ... So whether red or blue ... who do you thank for who for it? ... our grand children?
The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil, but,
because of the people who don't do anything about it”
"Albert Einstein"
It’s amazing to me that Congress (mainly comprised of the Republi-sham party or “The devils brigade as their paid” to represents the rich) abuse and misuse the tax payer’s money for abysmal purposes … then have the audacity to use their positions of power to pass laws to go after and destroy imperative crucial services and entitlements of survival such as, the Postal Service, Social Security, Medicare, that they’ve robbed from to cover the masses of their lying ass’s as time allowed them - due too "we, the ignorant-complacent voters"!
It’s amazing to me that we the people are dumb enough to reelect the same power hungry greedy hypocrites that use then abuse us as of a pacifist masochist … because we can’t think for ourselves as their fucking “m & m’s” - (mindless Minions) … No! We get led around on their leach while they continue to teach from the denies of their lies … as being color blind to a party line … or as would be … for a bad taste for tea.
There are so many things to be amazed at concerning the sanity of humanities ignorance into stupidity … that I would lose my mine in trying to define them as to the meaning of survival … But as Albert Einstein: ... put it in the wisdom of one of his quotation, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" … But the problem to that … is that we have to evolve … in order to solve them … to discern … is to learn.
Unfortunately, We; the people ... are an ungrateful selfish species among what God has done as a sensation of creation of the greatest miracle of all ... in the universe of God's perfect location of life given for liven … all the way from the fueled organism activities of photosynthesis to the emphasis of you and me as to be free and able to live and choose our destiny.
Important follow-up info - CLICK BELOW,
There are literally billions upon billions of stars out in our galaxy alone and most astrophysics scientists would say that there are at least 200-billion stars in our own Milky way galaxy solar system … and they would also say that there are approximately 200 billion galaxies in our universe … some would even say that there are parallel universes, but keep in mind that there are eight planets circling our Star the (Sun) of our galaxy and only one life given for liven life forms … think about it!
Here's another one to think about, consider our solar system, you could literally fit 1,321 Earths into Jupiter and just to give you another way to look at how much larger Jupiter is than the other planets, you could fit 763.6 Earths inside Saturn, 63.1 Earths inside Uranus, and 57.7 Earths inside Neptune.
The only object in the Solar System larger than Jupiter is our Sun and that being 1.3 million of our Earths within it and it is only considered a yellow dwarf star in comparison to others … Mind boggling isn't it?
Well, I only did this as a metaphoric analogy to point out how insignificant we are as an atom particle in comparison to the universe that we are a part of as Star Stuff, Yet, consider as a comparison to how we use a microscope as an instrument to see objects that are too small for the naked eye. Good one, wasn't it, yet we have a soul to equate ... into this equation ... as to consider ... this enlightened subject matter.
Read more, http://www.universetoday.com/65365/how-many-earths-can-fit-in
Again, it is mind boggling to be able to comprehend and understand how God turned an Atom into Adam on the Eve of creation, as he did … and I believe he did … If you use common sense … it will make sense ... as did all the other ... “Famous scientists who believed in” God”
I just want to be able to take a site seeing journey into the eternity of the universe wherever whenever I die beyond our Earth's living ski … But, again, I hope that there are no cops out there snapping pictures with a radar gun at me traveling at the speed of 168,000,288 mile per second, because it would be a VERY Costly ticket to pay! … Oh well, I’d just tell um to lighten up a little and forget he even saw me.
Again, with an exception to the rule of good and decent people that I like and care about of regarding my website. What makes the human spirit better than a dog or a cat or animals like that ... that doesn't even understand what Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate is all about, yet being at the mercy of it through us, the human species better known as people? … I just wonder what God thinks of this "Dark Matter of our Energy "that we don't seem to get? While they (the Rulers of Greed as the Equal to Evil) ... say they believe, yet continue to deceive ... the world!
Personally, Of what will be … with God in me
..... Bellagio Fountains - Time To Say Goodbye .....
.............. https://vimeo.com/2007217 ..............
Time To Say Goodbye - Hayley Westenra to say
WebsiteComposed, Written and Designed by,
Don L. Johnson