I’ve Lost all Respect for each and every one of the G.O.Ps

Representation of Character


I’ve lost all respect for each and every one of the G.O.P Representatives of both of the Controlling Bodies of the Congress and Senate for their Lack of Integrity of doing what is Right for We, the People of the Constitution of the United States of America. Instead what they have done Individuallyis to have Turned Their Backs for which it stands for Honor, Integrity, and Justice For All, but what's worse is that they have Turned Their Backs on God for which He Stands for what is Right over Wrong and Good Over Bad - for all to be Had - For you don’t stick up for the Devil and then Think you are on God’s side and that is what Donald Trump stands for as Unadulterated Evil” - you are what you Follow and you follow what you Think. The distinct difference is between the Heart to the Head and or the Head to the Heart of ThinkingIf you put your Heart into it - you’re going to be Considerate and Compassionate in doing what’s Right from Wrong ThinkingIf you do it from Your Head - you are going to Think in the Opposite way as They have been Overrun and Done by and Through Evil Thinking out of Selfish Gain and Siding in with an Evil Doer from the Devil Sewer - they Stink from how they Think - in terms of Shit for Brains.





Let me explain myself for why I am so down on the G.O.P. Lately, It appears that they Deviously got together behind closed doors and each and every one of them (Both men and women) voted in tax increase that benefits ONLY the rich  and then Lie about it in trying to convince benefiting the middle class - On top of that they deviously included in - Health care for millions at risk as Republican tax plans look for revenue benefit rich at We, the 99%"s Expense http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-gop-tax-plan-health-care-20171116-story.htmlThis is not only rotten to the core thinking, but it is highway robbery to the first-degree - Donald Trump with the backing and help from the G.O.P.  - has already Done so Damage and Harmful Things to our Country, People and Planet that will take many years to Recoup from - If at all - and the thing is, this isn't even his 1st full year Of damage assessment! I think of Donald Trump as I do the Devil himself as there are many parallels to their characters Past, Present and Future time Spans. 


I'm reminded of Lucifer's fall from grace: Lucifer, Satan, was once an angel who resided in heaven. He was a perfect being until sin was found in. Lucifer's sin was cried where he exalted himself above God. He imagined that he could be like God. The devil, it has fallen state, Is a liar who uses his lies and trickery against mankind today.The Bible commentary and Scriptures concerning Lucifer's fall from grace. - http://access-jesus.com/lucifer-fall-html/


Keep in mind that Lucifer had his followers to: The Bible teaches that fallen angels are invisible, supernatural, angelic, spirits created by God. Satan employs them as his immoral agents. After one-third of the heavenly angels sided with Satan, they were cast out of heaven to the Earth (Revelation 12:4 ).



The Bible calls fallen angels devils, demons, evil, and unclean spirits. Their lust for power is matched with an evil mind, emotions, and will. In their present, restrained state, demon angels are awaiting God’s final judgment and their ultimate destination: God’s predestined, eternal hell, a place of “reserved everlasting chains.” 

While the Bible doesn’t offer the exact number of angels, the hosts could outnumber people. Of all the multitudes of angels God created, fallen angels comprise one-third. Satan keeps demons in bondage to his will: corrupting humans to separate them from God. 


The Bible teaches that fallen angels are invisible, supernatural, angelic, spirits created by God. Satan employs them as his immoral agents. After one-third of the heavenly angels sided with Satan, they were cast out of heaven to the earth (Revelation 12:4). 






For you people who may be offended, keep in mind that I am 73 years old and My Candle is getting Dimmer and Dimmer each day that I Stay - as appose to the Younger Generations to come and it Bothers Me To No End that they are and will be taken advantage of by, Power, Greed, Ignorance and Hate the Main Tools of the Devils Bait to Destroy and Take Control over a Person’s Character to do his Devious works - as been Self-Evident Corresponding to this Essay- that said, God says to Hate Evil as I self-evidently do!



Hatred is a feeling that can be both Godly and Sinful depending on what it is that is causing us to Hate. The Bible speaks of Loving God and Hating Evil  (Psalm 97:10) and Hating the assembly of Evildoers (Psalm 26:5) and Hating Falsehood (Psalm 119:116). The more we become like Christ and Understand the Love of God, the more we will be to Hate HypocrisyGodlessness, and Evil of the world. However, we are also Warned over and over in the Bible of how Hatred and Bitterness can Destroy us. God tells us in Scripture that Hate is a Heart issue and that someone who Hates a brother is a Murderer!  (1 John 3:15) We are encouraged to Love one another, keep short records of Wrongs, and Forgive others, Not Harboring Bitterness or Anger in our Hearts. This collection of Bible verses about Hate will help you gain Wisdom on how to handle Hate with God's Power through the Holy Spirit!



What does the Bible say about my Hatred towards Evil?

Well, here are at least 25 of the most Relevant

versus  of  explaining  the  difference  of

and between Hatred as follows,








Designed, Composed and written by,
 Don Lee. Johnson