As for me   --------  Personally

 “My  Trust  is  in  God  

--Why? because,--



First and foremost,

 - I will tell you no Lie ---- that God will be with me -

 - Until I Die -- To Believe is not to Deceive -

- And not to Deceive ----- is to Believe -

-  for Either or ---- Is at theCore -

 - of  Whom I  Trust  From  Dawn  to Dust -

 -- Just  as  being  True  to  You in all I --

 -- Say or Do  for You as Written --

 ---Enlight   of  my  Website  ---

 ---  as  to  Give  to You ---

----  my  Life   of  ----

----  Insight  ----






 Antidote: --- Look, if you've got nothing to be Ashamed of, then why 

 should you feel Ashamed of what You  ----- Believe and Love?

 If you're not  Deceiving then - why should you be  Deciding?

 and if you are Believing - why should you be Hiding?

  My website isn't meant for Dreamers -- inasmuch as it is for Thinkers,

 Trust not in the Bad -- whereas the Wiliest you will be Had

Trust in the Good  where Wisdom is Understood.

Experienced, Designed, Written  and Composed  by,

Don L. Johnson